Sunday, February 04, 2007

Nothing says "Thanks for helping me get elected!" like sleeping with your campaign manager's wife. Hey Gavin, they frown on that, even in San Francisco.

In the future, take your cues from America's lothario mayor, Rudy Giuliani. If your going to sleep with a staffer, make sure she isn't married to another one of your staffers.


At 11:46 AM, Blogger Cliff Schecter said...

Too bad Gavin ain't a Republican. My segment on the Turks ain't called Democratic Sexcapades BC.

It is some crazy stuff though. If he had only put on the high heels he would then be more like New York's former mayor...

At 1:45 PM, Blogger basheert said...

He is awfully pretty though, for a guy!
He had to be a Democrat, he admitted he'd done a really stupid thing and apologized.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Mary Ellen said...

I was amazed when I read about that earlier that his campaign manager was such a stand up guy about it. He just resigned because of "personal problems". He didn't talk to the press, AFAIK, and didn't make any derogatory remarks to the press about his wife or Gavin.

Politicians are just so damned stupid...and horny.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger BC said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

What amazes me is (excluding the more attractive Gavin) how many of these gray-faced, hair-plugged, tooth-whitened horny toads actually attract someone enough to have a fling.

I mean, come on, can you even imagine sidling up to Henry Hyde, even in his "youthful" 40s, and saying, "Hey baby, you are HOTT!"


At 9:44 PM, Blogger basheert said...

A long time ago, I learned a difficult lesson that involved NOT casting stones at others.
I tend to be somewhat forgiving with people's personal lives because I am not walking in their shoes and don't feel qualified to judge others.
It's sort of like George Bush still saying he isn't drinking, although at this point his nose has taken on a Rudolph look-alike. How sad that our country is being run by people with no character.


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