This sounds like fun!! Another whackjob to run!!
The American Spectator
Sooner Rather Than Later***
Published 5/29/2007 12:09:21 AM
Sen. Tom Coburn is mulling an entry into the Republican presidential primary, according to sources inside and outside the Senate. Coburn, a senator from Oklahoma, is believed to be receiving encouragement from a small group of wealthy businessmen and philanthropists in the Oklahoma-Kansas-Texas region of the country.
"He's all about faith, lower taxes, and staying the course in Iraq," says an adviser outside of the Senate who has been speaking to Coburn.
Coburn is believed to have the backing of several low-profile members of the so called "Swift Boaters," men who financed the ads that doomed the presidential aspirations of Sen. John Kerry.
I don't know much about Coburn, so I wandered over to Wikipedia to take a peek.
Not all bad, he sounds like he leans towards regular conservatism, but then again there is this...
In 1997, Coburn introduced a bill called the HIV Prevention Act of 1997, which would have amended the Social Security Act. The bill would have mandated HIV testing in some situations, would have allowed physicians to demand an HIV test before providing medical care, and would have allowed insurance companies to demand an HIV test as a condition of issuing health insurance.[2]
Erp, also this
Coburn said that he favored the death penalty for doctors who perform abortions[2] and that homosexuality was the biggest threat to America.
Oh, nevermind, go read the whole damn thing. He's the freaking tool that says lesbians are in the school bathrooms, silicone breast implants are "healthy", is blocking celebrating Rachel Carson's birthday and and was against airing "Schindler's List" on regular tv.
He'll fit right in.
***(Didja catch the Oklahoma puns? Teh amusing people over at the Spectator huh?)
Why in the world would this man think he is qualified to run for President? Oy.
Well, maybe just like Bush II, 'God' told him to run, and that is qualification enough in their book.
Tom Coburn is a scumbag of the very most despicable kind. As a doctor, he has performed a number of sterilizations of poor women without their consent. They have been intimidated into not suing.
Ugh...more of the same.
He was also caught on tape during the Alito confirmation doing a crossword puzzle.
Oh please please PLEASE God let this guy be caught with his pants down in a bathroom of a leather bar with Mitch McConnell and Trent Lott. Please. I could die happy then.
Phoenix Woman,
how the hell could you do that to me? Not enough brain bleach or eye brillo in the world to remove that picture.
Actually, Coburn hires smart people and his staff answers emails thoughtfully - if completely idologically. Which is to say, as bad as he would be, there is a reasonable chance he would be significantly better than Bush.
Which still leaves a whole lotta room to get to as good as ANY of the Democratic candidates.
Paddy: Don't panic, trained Ministry Obliviators will be along in a minute...
He's all about faith, lower taxes, and staying the course in Iraq. So he's jumping in because he has something new to offer?
he also performed forced sterilizations on some of his patients, claiming medical necessity which turned out not to exist...
Coburn also protested vehemently against the nationwide airing of Schindler's List, and thinks we should bring DDT back as a widely used pesticide, despite its tendency to mutate the babies he thinks are so precious while still in the womb.
he is not a regular conservative average whatever. he is among the nuttiest of the wingnuts - a genuinely dangerous person.
Not only did he perform forced sterilizations on patients, but Doctor "Abortion Should Be a Death Penalty Offense" Coburn himself performed abortions on a few occasions.
Yes he was caught doing a crossword--on Jon Stewart. What'd Steward call him...trying to remember.
coburn owes bill frist. when frist retired it allowed coburn to claim sole title to " goofiest doctor in the senate ".
Bat. Shit. Crazy.
He is the Crazy Uncle that no one in your family will talk openly about.
The only problem is, he is the Junior Senator from Oklahoma.
I'm so ashamed!
Hey, I didn't vote for him!
Sorry, but no, he wouldn't be even remotely better than Shrub. I am from Oklahoma and there is no way in hell this goon should even be remotely spoken of in glowing terms; the fix was in during the mid term election of '02 because that is the only way an uber conservative Dem like Brad Carson could lose to a brain dead "doctor" like "Little Tommy C" (as he is lovingly known amongst the politicos in Oklahoma). During his whole career in the House he never, not even once, initiated ANY legislation to benefit his constituents at home. His voting record is woefully against the citizens of Oklahoma. Hell, I have even quit getting the same old tired form letter from him when I sign an online petition that is sent to his office. He would be as inept and as incompetent as the Fake Tough Guy from Crawford.
If he is for the death penalty being implemented against abortion providers I wonder if he will make it retroactive. I doubt Lil Tommy C. would do this since it would land him on death row, being as he has performed NUMEROUS abortions himself. This is not hearsay, but solid fact.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Sen. Tom Coburn.
At least he protected us from honoring that known commie Rachel Carson!
What a wanker!
Ugh, at first, seeing the link (from Eschaton), I got the name mixed up with Colbert, and thought that would be fun to see. But not this guy, I remember him. Blecch.
The mind boggles. I thought Newtie was EPU'd when word came that HE was considering a run at this. Is he out of his MIND??? Don't answer that.
It is APPALLING that the rethugs can't come up with better candidates than this crew. I would actually be happy with anyone the Dems put up. The Rethugs don't have a single credible candidate. Is the Rapture near????
I just posted some more about Sen. Coburn (R-WTF) over at my place.
I would say read this:
before forming any opinion of the Senator.
I would say read this:
before forming any opinion...
I know you shouldn't judge someone by their looks, but the hair on Tom Coburn just shouts out "sleeze ball". I will bet that on Saturday nights, Coburn and his wife snort cocaine and hold private sex orgies with some of their Bible-thumping couple friends. I'm sure they wake up the next morning and go to church.
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