Int'l Herald Tribune
New Zealand scientists breed cows that produce low-fat milk
The Associated PressPublished: May 28, 2007
WELLINGTON, New Zealand: New Zealand scientists are breeding a herd of cows that produce lower-fat milk after the chance discovery of a natural gene mutation in one animal.
Milk from the cows is also high in health-boosting omega-3 fatty acids and makes butter that spreads as easily as margarine even when chilled, biotechnology company Vialactia said Monday.
Scientists discovered a cow, later named Marge by researchers, carrying the mutant gene in a dairy herd they were testing in 2001, Vialactia chief scientist Russell Snell said.
The company expects the first commercial herd of cows supplying natural low-fat milk and spreadable butter for the market by 2011.
Bah. Wake me up when they discover the good stuff.

Couldn't take any more doom and gloom.
Couldn't take any more doom and gloom.
Oh man...I'm so hungry I could eat a chocolate cow.
Gaaa! My cable's been out all day. It's finally back.
Why can't they make a cow that produces non-caloric, non-fat everything? Is that too much to ask?
burp? That's no burp...THIS is a burp...bbbraaaaawp! Ahhhh!
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