Real Treason
Saw this quote in David Ignatius' column this morning.
I spoke with a half-dozen prominent GOP operatives this past week, most of them high-level officials in the Reagan and Bush I and Bush II administrations, and I heard the same devastating critique: This White House is isolated and ineffective; the country has stopped listening to President Bush, just as it once tuned out the hapless Jimmy Carter; the president's misplaced sense of personal loyalty is hurting his party and the nation.
"This is the most incompetent White House I've seen since I came to Washington," said one GOP senator. "The White House legislative liaison team is incompetent, pitiful, embarrassing. My colleagues can't even tell you who the White House Senate liaison is. There is rank incompetence throughout the government. It's the weakest Cabinet I've seen." And remember, this is a Republican talking.
So here you have a United States Senator, who believes that the White House is filled with incompetence, and the cabinet is weak. In other words, this person has first hand knowledge that the White House is harming America. But this person, a United States Senator, will not say so publicly. Why? Because it would hurt his party.
For years now, we've heard Republicans say Democrats were traitors because we told the truth about this Administration and their incompetence. But the real traitors are the Republicans who have first hand knowledge of this incompetence, yet they remain silent.
Harsh words, but I believe them
The minute a D Pres is in office, they will remember "rule of law" and respect for the Constitution, mark my words.
Bravo BC. Could not be more spot on.
Write on! I mean--well, that works too, so, yeah! Keep writing. Maybe a Repugnican will read it and come out of his closet of shame.
The idea of using the Justice Department as a political dirty-tricks operation is certainly treasonous, as is looting the treasury, and abandoning NOLA, and abusing the military, and forcing our wounded to live in squallor, and . . . .
I would challenge anyone to find a member of the administration who isn't a crook, or a crony, or a liar, or just plain incompetent.
My freshman comp section would be better administrators than this bunch of theives and nitwits.
Excellent observation.
It would be better to avoid repeating the word "treason" too often however. Historically, it relates to disloyalty to the monarch -- and was punished with a gruesome death: decapitation for the fortunate nobility, hanging, drawing and quartering for the riff-raff. If we hope to continue as free citizens of a (small l) liberal (small r) republic, it might be best to avoid propagating quasi-fascistic memes like the "t word".
Much better to label the unnamed Republican Senator with betrayal of his oath of office to protect and defend the constitution. That is, after all, the highest of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" -- for which the proper remedy is impeachment and removal from office rather than death by dismemberment.
Eh, I might've said something other than "real treason"...if we're tired of Democrats being accused of treason for dissenting, then we shouldn't do the same thing back.
Cowardice, maybe. Gross incompetence.
Shame is an emotional response to recognizing one's own personal shortcomings. By that definition, Republicans are incapable of feeling shame.
Seriously, why do you think the Republican party attracts so many weak, cowardly, and amoral people? Same reason people flock to new-age cults, the belief they can escape all their problems by constructing their own reality out of simple willpower. Of course, in order for this fantasy to work, they always need to surround themselves with like-minded people, and contentiously reject anything or anyone who might threaten this fabricated fantasy world.
These proceedings are not treason, as per the Constitutional definition (making war on the US, or by adhering to them, giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the US. also, it requires two witnesses of the same 'overt act' of treason to come forth and be proven true by evidence.).
So, treason is out. High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and Swear-In Oath breaking? That's in. Attempting to use martial law on a US citizen (call him an enemy combatant, try him by the military court instead of civilian court) without proper reason or authority? That's in too.
But the best part of this is how/why we got into Iraq. read this PDF Senator Waxman has for the proceedings with Condoleeza Rice.. she's just the first to be brought up, guaranteed.
it's long and detailed and complex (read: amazingly thorough), but worth the read!
Nicely put.
check out my blog on the absolute truth behind both parties' positions on the occupation in Iraq. Tell me if you think it's accurate
sounds like a good reason to vote for another Republican in 2008. Three cheers for Bush version 2.0!
The blame lies squarely with John McCain. If he would have split the party like he said he would after Rove f**ked him in 2000, your mystery senator and anyone else sane would have followed, and we wouldn't be in this mess. At the least, Bush, Cheney, and Rummy would have been isolated enough to limit the damage of this war.
But no, he had to give in to ambition over integrity. He thinks it better to fall with Bush as a groveling sycophant, than stand alone with a clear conscience, apparently.
Thanks, John.
after treason comes mutiny?
Yeah, what the hell is with McCain? You figure if you opened up the back of his suitjacket, you'd see a 50s-scifiesque control panel with lights and vacuum tubes connected directly to his spinal cord? I swear, sometimes the way he's on a talk show and blinking 3 times a second, you'd think it was because Rove's remote control console was shorting.
If you don't like "treason" try "betrayal". The nameless Senator has betrayed his country for the sake of his party.
Most Republicans are traitors.
True. Politics. Sadly, the Democratic Leadership Counsel apparently discourages their Congressmen from speaking frank truth to the American people for the same political reasons "in order to avoid being 'polarizing'".
What if Gandhi had said, "But I don't have the votes for human rights." With few exceptions, like Conyers, the Democrats have often acted as shamefully as the Republicans. [Cough. Hillary's fatuous flag-burning amendment while Rome burns.]
spinn, i disagree- this is legitimate treason. a republican groslly aware of gross incompetence and weakness which is clearly and most certainly *causing harm* to america, but yet is *deliberately, intentionally,* remaining SILENT and supportive...despite knowing the severe before country...the republican mantra. that's treason. he is betraying his country to protect his party.
it's akin to negligent homicide, or 2nd degree murder...someone allowed it to happen and said nothing, did nothing to stop it, despite having the power to do so.
who was it that said that a fascist will always blame what he has done or is about to do on the innocent party? they call dems, who are making legitimate observations and accusations, traitors for the effects distraction and confusion and etc...
Of course not speaking up when others are undermining the Constitution (snuck in unconsitutional wording into Dentainee bill to allow USA appointment without Senate confirmation is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would actually NEED a Constitutional Amendment, just like the stupid AUMF is unconstiutional) IS grounds for Treason.
Yes TREASON. Abrogatingones oath to uphold the Consitution IS TREASON.
ANd I like the drawn and quartered above.
It is by now a sad but true cliche that these Republican't scum always....without exception....put PARTY ahead of country. These are truly amoral people, syncophants who'd rather follow a leader docilely (read: sheep-like) than assert any intellectual or moral values. These are 'Christians' who'd prefer to blame the Tillman Family for their degree of religiosity than take stock of how this country used and f*cked them.
In other words, these are American Fascists.
All they do is push forward their political agenda. That's it, folks. Governance, competency...they don't care about that at all and never have, never will.
Why is the hell would someone try to recall John McCain when John is acting the way he is. The Americans For Integrity And Justice are doing just that. For those in AZ, sign the petitions, give a little cash, when the recall's petitions are accepted:vote to dumb dear John and send him a letter.
It's a mistake to dismiss this administration as merely "incompetent". It does no justice to the truth of the situation. You wouldn't call a bank robber an "incompetent depositor". Likewise you shouldn't settle for accusing the most corrupt administration in US history of mere "incompetence".
If you're wondering why these Republicans are so eager to play that card, think about that for a moment. "Incompetence", as bad as it is itself, is a much better frame for them than the truth, which is the willful recklessness, arrogance and avarice of this administration, the GOP congress and the movement they represent. So let's not take the bait on that whole "incompetence" thing so fast, OK? It's much worse than that.
These people are intentionally gutting federal government -- and, by extension, the nation itself -- and feeding the pieces to their friends. They don't believe in the very concept of "government for the people" in the first so place so, in their reasoning, why not rape it, loot and divy it up? That's what you get when you put anti-government, anti-democratic radicals in charge of the very thing they want to destroy. They set about destroying it, just as they said they'd do.
That's NOT "incompetence". You had it right when you called it treason.
I personally think it's worse than that. I just can't think a word that covers it all. If you find a word that at once encompasses fraud, theft, deceit, mass-murder, hypocrisy, terrorism, torture, authoritarianism, a cynical form of religious fanaticism and thinly-veiled fascism, please, let me know. I'd like to know this word.
Hey, I know! How about... EVIL?
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