Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tell Me Lies Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

What happens when someone reads a quote of yours and you deny it, then takes out your book and reads the quote from it, and you still deny it, and then hands the book to you so you have to claim on live tv you can't see it without your glasses?

1) You inhabit some pathetic alternative universe where you're not really going to Hell

2) You make a funny for sane people like us. Thanks!

3) You're name is obviously Tom DeLay.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger Ashen Shard said...

uh oh ... looks like he had the ghost writer(s) for his blog write his book ....

Anyway, what is this crook still doing in the news? Shouldn't he be in prison? I think the fact that Matthews actually smacked him down shows how irrelevant he has become.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Mary Ellen said...

Welcome back, Cliff!

Tom is just doing what Republicans always do...even if something is written in black and white, as long as they keep denying it, then they are right. Deny. Deny. Deny. The key to the Republican playbook.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

Do those guys ever tell the truth? LOL

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Mary Ellen said...

Off Topic

I just saw that Edwards announced a press conference for tomorrow. Speculation is that it has something to do with his wife,Elizabeth's health. John went with her to her last check up this week. I hope she's ok, but I have a very bad feeling about this. Geez.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Finian said...

drunk or blind drunk with ambition'=..Duh-lay....the true face of the goopers

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Finian said...

if you liked the initiative of the fake attack ad you will love this

this is the good roger ailes not the fat fuck who works at Faux

Roger is a regular read for me and his attack on Howie the Ho Kurtz is priceless

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Larry said...

Delay is such a phony. Chris Matthews kept reading Delay's own book, in front of him and he denied it was there.

This is a typical neocon who can't tell the truth, even when he wrote it.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Basheert said...

Isn't it amazing? I wonder where he found the hole to crawl out of that rock he's been hiding under?

He is an indicted ex-Senator...that's about it and sort of sums up the whole Repig good old boys club. They are so pathetic.

I am seriously waiting for his trial...woohoo!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Basheert said...

Isn't it amazing? I wonder where he found the hole to crawl out of that rock he's been hiding under?

He is an indicted ex-Senator...that's about it and sort of sums up the whole Repig good old boys club. They are so pathetic.

I am seriously waiting for his trial...woohoo!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Basheert said...

Isn't it amazing? I wonder where he found the hole to crawl out of that rock he's been hiding under?

He is an indicted ex-Senator...that's about it and sort of sums up the whole Repig good old boys club. They are so pathetic.

I am seriously waiting for his trial...woohoo!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Basheert said...

Isn't it amazing? I wonder where he found the hole to crawl out of that rock he's been hiding under?

He is an indicted ex-Senator...that's about it and sort of sums up the whole Repig good old boys club. They are so pathetic.

I am seriously waiting for his trial...woohoo!

At 7:35 PM, Blogger DisNoir36 said...

Oh it was worse than that.

In the same snowball (clerks reference) interview where Chris was almost doing a Monica on Tom sans the blue dress Tom confessed to:

-having affairs when he first got to DC

-downing up to 12 martinis when he went out and then driving home

SO not only is this piece of shit such a bad liar that he doesn't even know what he wrote in his own autobiography and denies saying it EVEN WHEN confronted with his own words in print


He's a piece of shit hypocrite who went on a witch hunt and pushed for impeachment of a president when he had engaged in the EXACT SAME THINGS


He's a selfish bastard who wantonly breaks laws and will get drunk and then get behind a wheel with no regard for the welfare of others on the road who he might kill.

He confessed to all this. As of yet I have to hear anyone bring it up but hey we all know what Al Gore wore the other day or how pudgy he was looking.


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