Sunday, August 05, 2007

Wow. This is refreshing.

Congress recesses amid Democratic achievements

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After months of being flogged for accomplishing little, Democrats who control Congress headed into a summer recess having passed several high-profile bills from raising the minimum wage to bolstering U.S. security and expanding children's health care.

Their top priority -- ending the Iraq war -- remains frustratingly unfulfilled. But the Democrats who took over in January were able to go home early on Sunday for a monthlong break having won more support in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for bringing combat troops home by early next year, marking a significant turnaround from last year.

Credit where credit is due I guess. If you have a minute, go read this wonderful story at Kos, In The Vaults Where The Dry Powder Is Stored. Puts alot of things in perspective about what we haven't done.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Paddy said...

More bagels now.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger ohdave said...

Oh shit. Spoke too soon.

Didn't realize what the house had done.


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