Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Okay okay, I'm not with the "Loose Change" people, but you've got to admit this is weird.

I watched "The Lone Gunmen" alot but didn't remember this.

The pilot episode, which first aired on March 4, 2001, concerned a terrorist plot to fly a hijacked airplane into the World Trade Center towers.

Via Robert


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Paddy said...


At 9:05 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...


At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw that episode. i thought it was creepy, and might give ideas to someone. after 9/11 condoleeza rice said that no one would have imagined using planes as weapons, but obviously she didn't watch enough trash tv.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Paddy said...

spectral_ev, I'm really surprised I didn't since I was a huge X-files fan and tried to catch all the 'Lone Gunmen'ones. Yeah, no one would think about it 'cept one of these guys....

Series Writing credits
Vince Gilligan (6 episodes, 2001)
John Shiban (6 episodes, 2001)
Frank Spotnitz (5 episodes, 2001)
Thomas Schnauz (2 episodes, 2001)
Chris Carter (1 episode, 2001)

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Kyle said...

Does this mean Fox is in cahoots with Al Qaeda? Osama Bin Rupert Murdoch? (If you didn't figure out that was a joke you have issues.) Also if you didn't think a plane could be a weapon you need to read up on WW2, not that Condi has ever been the sharpest tool in the shed.

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm crocheting personalized caps out of tin foil yarn.

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that was some of the best evidence way back when the Condi was a dipshit. That and the Tom Clancy novel, and the FedEx hijacking, and the Geneva summit, and the design of nuclear reactors, ....

At 11:46 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

The real science fiction has always come from the White House. I just hope we never get reruns.

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


And the fictional character indicates the plotters' nefarious purpose is to fuel an arms race. How prescient, Mr. Carter.

I've never been a subscriber to the conspiracy theories. I still don't, because OBL has admitted as much. I feel no conflict being against the death penalty but for assassinating OBL. He's a mass murderer, unless the translations are wrong, and I wish the US govt would focus on him for once. I suspect y'all agree.

Just under 6 years since the worst day ever, and this mofo is still breathing our air.

Hopefully not for much longer.

At 12:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bin Laden is NOT wanted for 9/11. That he allegedly confessed is BOGUS. Ditto that Amadinajad said he wanted Israel wiped off the map (violently).

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Nelson said...

If you think that is something you need to check this video out:

At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty trippy, man!

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Just under 6 years since the worst day ever"...

You Americans have a habit to overdramatize things. Sept 11 2001 was a bad day, I agree, but the "worst day ever"??? That's a bit of an exaggeration.

Try telling that to the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945... Or the residents of Dresden is February 1945. Or the current residents of Iraq, which could reasonably count March 20th 2003 as the "worst day ever".

This is like the bully who clobbers all the kids in the school yard sobbing because one of his victims decided to pinch him. I have every sympathy for those directly victimized in the 9/11 attacks; but for America as a whole? Absolutely not.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger xxxevilgrinxxx said...

when I first saw the towers get hit, that's what went through my head, that pilot episode.
I never bought the 19 hijackers (who turned up alive elsewhere) angle either. Hitting the Pentagon and claiming it was a Boeing is too crazy even for TV. People at least insist that their fiction make sense.

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your looking for more scary Sci-fi check out Babylon 5 and the fall of Earth's government.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger xxxevilgrinxxx said...

the fall of the govt on B5 was another great series of episodes


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