In a comment on Cliff's post about the Frank Rich piece, John Aravosis' Neighbor Barbara said...
Cliff Note: Amen. I actually just had this book sent to me. He is right on. I will write a longer post about this. But emotion is what works in politics. It is what works on tv (which most Dem pundits, like politicians, have not figured out). There is a way to be true to your values and honest, and still use emotion. Democrats need to start GETTING THIS.
What I would like to see this election cycle, is the Dems using the Rethugs tactics against them. Like using the term "Inheritance Tax" instead of "Death Tax." Like saying that they are supporting the troops by BRINGING THEM HOME. Like not letting the Rethugs define any issue in their usual distorted manner.
This can't be that difficult. The Rethugs aren't known for their brains, ya know?