Saturday, June 09, 2007

Yeah, so about that whole blaming the "liberal media" thing. I have a few questions:
  • Did the liberal media indulge in extraordinary rendition?
  • Did the liberal media condone the use of torture?
  • Did the liberal media eliminate habeas corpus?
  • Did the liberal media start an illegal, immoral war against a country that didn't attack us first?
  • Did the liberal media persist in an endless occupation?
  • Did the liberal media recklessly get us into this fiasco without so much as a plan to clean up the mess?
  • Did the liberal media foment a civil war?
  • Did the liberal media allow looting that resulted in tons of missing weapons?
  • Did the liberal media lose billions of dollars intended for reconstruction?
  • Did the liberal media allow the humiliation and torture at Abu Ghraib?
  • Did the liberal media threaten the health of all Americans with their lack of oversight of what goes into your bodies?
  • Did the liberal media fail to adequately address global warming?
  • Did the liberal media subject millions of Americans to illegal eavesdropping?
  • Did the liberal media try to change the course of the election process by appointing political allies?
The media did have sway after the fact, but it sure wasn't left-leaning, anti-war sway. But the point is, they weren't the ones who initiated these disastrous policies. They reported them, however accurately or inaccurately. Well, right after, you know, all those important Paris, Lindsay, and Britney headlines. But despite rumors to the contrary, it's not the press who resides in the White House. Well, except for that one guy, Gannon was it?


At 3:47 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

I've apparently just been selected as a candidate for inclusion in Strathmore's Who's Who.

This may sound really lame, but I've never heard of this particular Who's Who. Anyone know anything about them?


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