Friday, June 01, 2007

Elaine Johnson lost a child in Iraq. She, along with five other families, were given a rare opportunity to meet with our warm and fuzzy Commander Guy. There it was, Bush's big chance to show how compassionate he was. Because, you know, here was a mom who was grieving, and she needed some presidential grace and support. Let's take a peek at some of the highlights as told by Ms. Johnson:
"But you know, they so brilliant, they up there in D.C., now, that a mother with a high school diploma can sit down and say, okay, now I won’t send them over a hot spot without protection."

"President Bush, he just didn’t see that, and he told me I was kind of, seemed like I was kind of hostile. I said, ‘yes I am hostile, because you sent my son over there.’ So my thing is -- all the questions that I asked him, he didn’t know nothing then, and he definitely don’t know nothing now, because the United States is in worser shape now that it was in 2003 that my son died.''
Johnson said: "When he told me -- I said what’s, what’s the mission? He couldn’t give me an answer."
"Then he gave us a presidential coin,'' she said. "Now you check this out: He gave six of us a presidential coin, tell us not to tell the rest of the people that was there, and then after that he told us don’t go sell it on eBay. Now you tell me how insensitive that can be?..."

Yes indeed, I bet we can tell everyone how insensitive that was.


At 8:41 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

This woman has more class in her little finger than Bush has in his tiny little....

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd check the coin for a microchip that reports back to GWB precisely where this traitorous woman is at all times.

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Paddy said...

I'm offering right now to pimp it on ebay for free for them.

But the way things are going, it ain't worth SHIT.

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody please wake me up from my self-induced coma when this fu**er is out of office, please. Thank you.


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