Saturday, March 31, 2007

Giuliani on Bernard Kerik: "He brings a quality of leadership"

In light of Bernard Kerik facing potential felony counts that include including tax evasion, conspiracy to commit wiretapping and filing false information with the government, I thought some people may need to be reminded of this old story underlining how highly qualified Bernard Kerik was when Rudy Giuliani named him New York City's police commissioner in the year before 9/11.

But some critics have said that his lack of a college degree, a requirement for the rank of captain and higher in the department, sends the wrong message when the department is struggling to recruit qualified candidates.

Mr. Kerik is 24 credits short of a bachelor's degree in labor relations at Empire State College.


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Paddy said...

Kerik always struck me as one of those shady insider types.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Librocrat said...

I can't believe that man is leading the GOP's presidential nominees in the polls. They do a really good job at making absolutely sure that liberals and democrats look down on them.


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