Sounds like forced birth to me.
Brownback questions abortions for rape victims
Associated Press
June 9, 2007, 10:47PM
TAYLORS, S.C. — Sen. Sam Brownback, campaigning for president on Saturday before the National Catholic Men's Conference, questioned whether rape victims should get abortions.
"Rape is terrible. Rape is awful. Is it made any better by killing an innocent child? Does it solve the problem for the woman that's been raped?" the Kansas Republican asked at the St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers gathering.
"We need to protect innocent life. Period," Brownback said, bringing the crowd of about 500 to its feet.
Someone needs to find out where he stands on Plan B. Does he think that the actual act is the moment of life? No matter what the "act" is? How about incest? This man is dangerous.
Insightful Dkos diary on abortion.
Terrifying. Sounds like "The Handmaids Tale".
This man is a man (well, sorta)--perfect qualifications for having his beliefs and feelings about having children trump those of women.
"It was not clear what research he was citing."
Best line of the whole article.
He's obviously pandering to the far right. Wonder if he'd feel the same way if one of his daughters was raped. Disgusting.
I can only say that the appropriate response to this kind of rhetoric is to ask the offending party if "OBL raped your daughter and she got pregnant would you let her have the baby???"
The ought to put some red state knickers in a twist.
please excuse me for trivializing rape in such a manner but people like Brownback make me sick
PS love the framing of this issue as "forced birth" ....
He is talking to the National Catholic Men's Conference, the people they rape can't get pregnant!
He is only taking an absurd argument to its logical conclusion. It would make no sense to me if he said anything else.
The argument starts with the premise "abortion is murder" and if that is believed to be true, then this argument (along with many other sick, demented arguments) makes perfect sense.
What I do not understand is people who say 'abortion is murder' but then dont believe that women who choose murder should not be put in jail or given the death penalty.
If he celebrates his birthday, someone should call him on it. For clearly, life started when his parents had sex. Meaning, he should celebrate that, and not his birthday. He's scary.
"The argument starts with the premise "abortion is murder" and if that is believed to be true, then this argument (along with many other sick, demented arguments) makes perfect sense."
Well sure, but what if it's murder in self-defense?
To right wing ideologues like Greg Brady Brownback, the moment you blow your load life was conceived.
Here's a photo of Brownback at his latest gig in Las Vegas:
So, what - given a scenario in which a rape victim dies in childbirth, her life "wasn't innocent" and shouldn't have been protected?
This makes me sick. >_<
I know there's no perfect solution, so to people who don't agree with me who live in the bible belt — it's just a thought, I do not seriously advocate it. But here goes:
Why don't we let the state's in the bible belt have their christian version of strictest biblical law. Stoning if you work on Sunday. Children put to death if they curse against their parents. No half wossing out on the rules. Live as the Holy Book tells. But keep it to your states... If they would allow free movement they would have a very low ratio of women within one generation....
Let this monster win the Republican nomination (with Tancredo as running mate).
I cannot think of ANY nominee the Democrats could run who wouldn't get at least 2/3rds of the vote against this evil sanctimonious bastard.
If you went by Deuteronomy 22:27-29 and OBL did rape his daughter, OBL would have to pay Brownback 50 shekels of silver and marry his daughter, never being able to divorce. Now that's an inspired word of God.
If they are allowed to decide that all women that get pregnant have to have the baby...... how long will it take before they tell women how many babies they are allowed to have?
Why do so many men think that they know best what a woman should do with her body? How many of these church going people that think that all children that are conceived should be born.... how many of them have adopted a child?
"Why do so many men think that they know best what a woman should do with her body? "
The trouble is, it's not just men. If it were just men saying these things, they would never win an election. In Kansas in 2004 the voting population was 55% female. Brownback won 68% of the women's vote.
You can blame men all you want, but it is really time for women to use the power they have. Start voting in our own interest.
Sounds like your typical fundamentalist Christian rhetoric to me.
"Why don't we let the state's in the bible belt have their christian version of strictest biblical law."
I know you're being sarcastic here, but the simple answer is, "because not everyone is a nutcase Christianist." It's not like the 40% of us Virginians who DON'T believe this nonsense can just up and move.
To add on to dejah's comment: The Constitution enjoins states to give full faith and credit to other states' laws. So if, say, Ohio makes working on a Sunday a class A felony, but Pennsylvania doesn't criminalize it at all, and a Sabbath-breaker in Youngstown flees across the border to Pennsylvania, is Pennsylvania supposed to extradite the Sabbath-breaker to Ohio?
Anonymous said: "How many of these church going people that think that all children that are conceived should be born.... how many of them have adopted a child?
Aren't his two youngest children, infact, adopted...? I hate the whole idea of not being able to get an abortion if/when I might get impregnated by a rapist, but I'm always interested in understanding both sides of any argument.
Brownback is of course for family value. So he orders all rape victimes to have their rapist's babies, and for family value sake, the rapist should work with the victims and bring up the rapist's kids. So, they can have the father-kid moment. This is really convoluted, but this Brownback guy is a very dangerous man!
Since mysoginists like Brownback evidently believe that women and girls are relegated to the less-than-human status of breed sows,they do not see that they are wrong for using their power of lawmaking to subvert the human rights of women and girls. They are under the misnomer that a woman's vagina is "public property" - where the woman should have no right to limit access and control over who gets to traverse it, and under which circumstances.
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