Thursday, June 14, 2007

Have the Albanians made any decrees on Global Warming lately?
Baptists question human role in global warming
Updated 1h 26m ago

By Eric Gorski, AP Religion Writer
SAN ANTONIO — Southern Baptists approved a resolution on global warming Wednesday that questions the prevailing scientific belief that humans are largely to blame for the phenomenon and also warns that increased regulation of greenhouse gases will hurt the poor**.

The global warming debate has split evangelicals, with some not only pressing the issue but arguing humans bear most of the responsibility for the problem because of greenhouse gas emissions. Other evangelicals say talking about the issue at all diminishes their influence over more traditional culture war issues such as abortion, gay marriage and judicial appointments.

The SBC resolution, approved near the end of the denomination's annual meeting, acknowledges a rise in global temperatures. But it rejects government-mandated limits on carbon-dioxide and other emissions as "very dangerous" because they might not make much difference and could lead to "major economic hardships" worldwide.

**Every expert I have read that "believes" in Global Warming says that the poor will be the FIRST to suffer and die from Global Warming.

Third World countries with people fleeing from the coasts.... where do they go???? They don't have villas in the mountains to mosey to in their Hummers.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Paddy said...

Baptists and Albanians love our Prez.


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