Thursday, June 28, 2007

Though John Edwards is far ahead of the fundraising numbers he posted during his first run for the White House, the former North Carolina senator is having trouble keeping up with the breakneck pace set by his rivals this time around.
This is my least favorite headline of the election campaign season. This is not what it should be about, but it's the focus of most newscasts and other media reports.

Plus, John Edwards is a good guy with good ideas. I know, it's early. But still...


At 7:25 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

Campaign reform.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Mary Ellen said...

gottalaff shouldn't be about the money. I've got a post going up tomorrow about how the right wing is just rolling in the shit with Ann Coulter so they can bash Elizabeth Edwards for calling into the Chris Matthews Show.

C'mon over and defend Elizabeth and John tomorrow....I'm so sick of the hate from that crowd. It would be nice to bring campaign reform into the discussion.

wait...that sounded like a shameless wasn't supposed to be, I just value your opinion and the rest of the bloggers here, which is why I hang around this fine establishment!

At 7:38 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

Will you email me and remind me? I have so few brain cells functioning.

And promo away...your stuff is great.

As for hanging around this fine establishment, I'm sorry but we don't serve minors. ; ) (You can't be a day over 20)

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Mary Ellen said...

I'll be happy to e-mail you.

As for hanging around this fine establishment, I'm sorry but we don't serve minors. ; ) (You can't be a day over 20)

Yeah...that's what I keep telling my grandkids! :-D

At 9:47 PM, Blogger ohdave said...

It only matters in terms of perception. John's got enough money to hang around. And I don't believe the polls right now. It's so, so early. In a normal election cycle what would be going on right now?


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