Monday, April 23, 2007

The Republicans Hate Sunshine & Accountability

Last week, Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, S. 223 (campaign finance electronic filing bill) was brought to the floor of the Senate after careful vetting by the 35 bipartisan co-sponsors.

Lo and behold, Sen. Alexander objected "on behalf of a Republican Senator" to the request for unanimous consent to take up and pass the bill.

The Sunlight Foundation has been hard at work on pinning down who the "objectionable" Senator is, and they only have 4 3 more to go. (I did my bit, not Bayh or Lugar).

The remaining possibilites are Kyl, Vitter, Lott & Gregg.
If one of them is your Senator, think about taking a minute to pick up a phone and point blank ask if they are the one placing the "hold" on the bill.

Phone numbers and more info here, further explanation as to what happened from Sen Feingold here.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Paddy said...

Change already. Lott says he didn't do it.


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