Saturday, March 10, 2007

Simon Rosenberg, the political force behind the New Politics Institute, which teaches progressives to use new technologies and tactics to win the war of ideas and the battle of the ballot booth, sums up the Bush years quite well in an email:

The largest set of criminal investigations into the leaders of our nation in our history. Longest jail sentence for a member of Congress in history. Now two senior White House staff members - Libby and Safavian - convicted of crimes. Covering for a known sexual harrasser of young kids and awarding him the Chair of the Committee on Missing and Exploited Children. The condoning of torture, the establishment of secret prisons and the practice of rendition, and the erosion of the Geneva Conventions. Warrantless spying on our citizens. Overstepping of even the generous provisions of the Patriot Act. Putting our kids into battle without proper equippment or training. Out of control government spending, and handing over our future to foreign central banks. The incredible politicization of the US Attorney system, starting with Rove's intervention on behalf of Abramoff against the US Attorney in Guam in 2002. Abramoff's dozens of visits to the White House, hidden for so long from the public. Attempts to cut veteran benefits and the scandal of Walter Reed. Lying to the world about the cause of war. Allowing serial corruption of the Iraqi contracting process. The buying off of journalists and commentators, from Miami to Washington. Ignoring the cries from New Orleans. While wages are going down, denying an increase in the minimum wage and attempting to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans. Over the top partisanship, and an absolute unwillingness to sit down and work out a deal on major national concerns like the budget and war. The denying of the reality of global climate change.....
Simon covered it quite well, although sadly this list could go on ad infinitum.


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Cliff Schecter said...

Anyone got anything to add to the list :)

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Fernando said...

Minanthropes? Did you mean Misanthropes the people haters?

You used a word I didn't know and can't find. But if misanthropes doesn't cover what these piss puddles are all about then I don't know what does. Great Cliff's Corner.

The list crimes the GOP has committed is really endless. I was listening to Mike Malloy Thursday night and he railed about how he hates all Republicans.

I don't want to waste my time hating anyone but I sure enjoy making them the butt of all jokes.

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Paddy said...

Hey Fernando!! I was just telling Cliff I was worried about you!
Funny about hating R's.

I don't, but I sure do hate fascist R's.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Finian said...

What about the investigations in foreign countries -- like the Italians and the CIA

we are international outlaws

At 12:07 PM, Blogger basheert said...

I think it's important to recognize that this really is not the "real" Republican party as history shows.

I'm not sure where the party Morphed into the party attracting criminals, pedophiles, warmongers, corporate patsies, etc. The neocon movement has damaged this party beyond belief and I suggest there are many many individuals that have great difficulty looking at the Republican Party of 2007 and finding anything that would remotely identify it as the GOP formerly existed.

The neo conservative movement will secure that the country will remain in Democratic hands for the future, due to their wild extremism and attempts to generate hate internally.

George Bush is the worst president this country has faced, and I truly believe we will all survive this mess - the country will go marching on and he will strangle in history looking like a fool and an idiot.

Unfortunately he and his ilk have so wrecked the Republican party that it will take years before the average American will be able to stomach the party.

Just goes to show that radical anythings don't really fly in a country where our system usually works well.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Cliff Schecter said...

Fernando, I did mean misanthropes. Oops. Must go correct....

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Cliff Schecter said...

basheert - You are obviously correct. I like to write about this, because one half of my family were liberal Republicans (my dad's side), when that really meant something. When Lincoln Chaffee's were throughout the party (think Jacob Javitz from New York or Hatfield from Oregon), and not only didn't have the far right pressuring them into submission, but were some of the original supporters of Roe v Wade and civil rights, etc. Sadly, with the exception of a governor here and there (like Douglas in Vermont) that breed is dead, as they all give into the far right even if they were once so-called moderates...

At 10:10 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

You get way better emails than I get, Cliffy.

Mine consist of Viagra ads, stock "opportunities" from Russia, Denmark, and Australia, emo teen streams-of-consciousness, and how to enlarge my penis (I don't have one. I looked. Twice.).


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