Saturday, June 30, 2007

Backlash against undercover journalists obscures the contributions they make.

This was in my L.A. Times Op-Ed Section today. It is a superb piece and I urge you to read it. Here's a sample:
[I] headed to downtown Washington for meetings with some of the city's most prominent lobbyists. I had contacted their firms several weeks earlier, pretending to be the representative of a London-based energy company with business interests in Turkmenistan. I told them I wanted to hire the services of a firm to burnish that country's image.

I didn't mention that Turkmenistan is run by an ugly, neo-Stalinist regime. They surely knew that, and besides, they didn't care. [...]

In exchange for fees of up to $1.5 million a year, they offered to send congressional delegations to Turkmenistan and write and plant opinion pieces in newspapers under the names of academics and think-tank experts they would recruit. They even offered to set up supposedly "independent" media events in Washington that would promote Turkmenistan (the agenda and speakers would actually be determined by the lobbyists).

All this, Cassidy and APCO promised, could be done quietly and unobtrusively, because the law that regulates foreign lobbyists is so flimsy that the firms would be required to reveal little information in their public disclosure forms.

Now, in a fabulous bit of irony, my article about the unethical behavior of lobbying firms has become, for some in the media, a story about my ethics in reporting the story. The lobbyists have attacked the story and me personally, saying that it was unethical of me to misrepresent myself when I went to speak to them.
And guess who he cites in the piece....Howie Kurtz, "...who was apparently far less concerned by the lobbyists' ability to manipulate public and political opinion than by my use of undercover journalism." Oh, just go read it.


At 4:16 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

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At 4:35 PM, Blogger GottaLaff said...

Thanks Paddy. Now, what I was starting to say was:

Undercover reporting is dying, like so many other relics from the good ol' days of real reporting and real democracy.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on the piece. I see if my bird is finished with the paper yet and I'll read the article.


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