Oh, The Scandals Rain Down!!!
The Pentagon is inviting and paying for RedState bloggers to go over to Iraq and "see for yourselves".
Where the hell is MY invite? My passports ready.
McCain is imploding right before our eyes.
Why is the White House using private email systems for government business?
Silly question.
Swift Boat Vet For Truth funder Sam Fox
And here's one for the tall girls...
As my mother used to say,
"It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man."
So Mr Bao Xishun, you couldn't have even TRIED TO DATE TALLER WOMEN? I mean, really, you could have gone for one at leat 5'9 or so, and that isn't even very tall in the modern world. (spoken as a 6' woman)

What a coincidence. They are inviting red state bloggers to Iraq, and Ann Coulter and laura Ingram fit that bill.
That must be the ones who will tell us how great it is.
my mental image of you grows every day paddy.
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