Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cliff goes on TV!


At 1:59 PM, Blogger ChicagoDB said...

I noticed on MSNBC today that Cliff not only doesn't make much of a point...he doesn't shut up when it is the turn of someone else to speak. Cliff, you not only are wrong so are very rude.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger ruby tuesday said...

Hmm.I didnt notice Cliff being rude or interrupting his opponent any more than his opponent.As usual,ignore the content of the debate,ignore the substance of the content,and ignore the facts being addressed...just call the sky green and sleep well tonight,right?Cliff is right that the actions(and inactions) we take in Iraq have and will continue to have serious and negative consequences .and these things need to be dealt with NOW.That doesnt sound stupid to me.It sounds like the truth.
You'll never help your party win elections by debating like a child Chicagodb.


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